Friday, May 20, 2011

Do You Have The 19 Traits Necessary To Be A Successful Entrepreneur?

Do you have what it takes to be a successful Entrepreneur? Statistics show that 80% of small businesses fail within the first three years and you do not want to be one of those statistics.

Answer the 19 questions below YES or NO to see which of the Entrepreneur Success Indicators(TM) you have and where you may want to receive additional support and training. Please be honest with yourself, you are not going to move forward if you are not aware of exactly where you are now and where you need to grow.

   1. Do you believe in yourself, your products and your services enough to convince another to buy from you?
   2. Are you willing to stay with the business even when times get rough, money is short and energy is running low?
   3.  Are you good at looking at the big picture, not panicking in the short run and able to solve problems effectively?
   4. Are you disciplined enough to set aside time every day to work on your business, learn and develop new skills and not be affected by life's interruptions?
   5.  Are you effective at communicating to others your desires, services, products and results?
   6.  Do you have the ability to act independently with out direction from others?
   7.  Do you understand the value of customers and service and the energy behind the money you earn?
   8.  Do you have a clear understanding of the market where your services will compete whether it is local, national or international?
   9.  Are you aware of the resources of Universal energy and how this supplies your needs on many levels?
 10.  Is your business able to survive with minimal out side support?
 11.  Do you have the willingness to do what is necessary to be successful?
 12.  Are you aware of the increased responsibility that having a business and receiving additional income brings into your life?
 13.  Are you as good at your business and marketing skills as you are at your product or service?
 14.  Are you willing to wait for the results knowing that business and customers are built over time?
 15.  Are you willing to go along with the process of building a business and know that there are necessary systems to put into place?
 16.  Do you have good judgment when working with others and align your self with other successful people, entrepreneurs and coaches?
 17.  Are you in business because you desire to give to others and make a difference through your product or service?
 18.  Do you have faith that your efforts will be rewarded no matter how your business will turn out?
 19   Are you honest and do you have integrity in all of your dealings with people, finances and business situations?

Your Answers

Count the number of questions where you answered YES and check your results below. The more YES answers the more likely you and your business will be successful. Then check the Entrepreneurial Success Traits(TM) that relate to each question and see where you will need to receive extra support.

If you answered 15-19 answers YES than Congratulations! You have many of the traits to be a successful Entrepreneur though probably need a little fine turning. Check your NO answers below to see where you will need additional support and training to insure your success.

If you answered 10-14 answers YES than there is a lot of hope for your success. You are at the place where receiving out side support and coaching would be very valuable to you. Check your NO answers below to see exactly what is missing and where you must focus your growth.

If you answered 5-9 answers YES than you probably have a good idea for a business but do not have the necessary skills to really develop it. Keep asking questions, learning and receiving coaching from successful entrepreneurs to help make your business successful at a quicker pace. Be sure to check your NO answers below to determine where you need to get more training.

If you answered 1-4 answers Yes than you will need to take some time to get additional help and support before you move forward. Just the fact you took this test is an indication that you want to be an Entrepreneur so don't give up! Now is the time to look for a coach that understands what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur to walk you through the business process.

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