Saturday, May 21, 2011

Successful Entrepreneurs - They Decided To Be So Plain and Simple

Successful entrepreneurs have many common characteristics and habits that have brought them the success and lifestyle that many envy. One of the most important factors in their success was their decision making ability. Every move we make in life is a result of a decision we have made. If I am hungry right now, I will not satisfy that hunger until I decide what I want to eat. If I desire success or a certain outcome, I will not achieve it until I decide how I am going to go about it and then take steps to get it. Successful entrepreneurs had a vision for themselves and they DECIDED they were going to do it. Often times, they probably had no idea how it was going to progress at the moment, but that is irrelevant because they decided what they wanted and they knew they would find a way to get it. The ability to recognize what you want and then DECIDE you will get it is the first step to success. Successful entrepreneurs make decisions quickly and definitely and do not sway.

One of the biggest stumbling blocks to success that successful entrepreneurs have overcome is that evil little thing called procrastination. It is the exact opposite of making a decision and if you cannot overcome the tendency to procrastinate, you will not join the ranks of successful entrepreneurs. Of course, if you are looking into a certain business opportunity, due diligence is advised and necessary. But once you find something that speaks to you, act quickly and make a decision to go for it. So many people get stuck in the research and planning phase for a couple of reasons. First, this arena can build excitement and wonder thinking about change and all the possibilities for the future. Secondly, people stay here because they are too scared to move forward and commit to their success. If you find yourself in this phase currently, evaluate why you are still there. Are you still doing your due diligence or do you know what you want but are too afraid of a definite decision? Successful entrepreneurs found their path to success and chose to follow it. Plain and simple.

There are certain things that may delay decisions and therefore success and you need to block them out at all costs. The biggest is letting other people influence you. If you fall victim to the thoughts and opinions of others, you will not make definite decisions because the irrelevant opinions and musings of others will keep you from formulating your own wants and desires. Successful entrepreneurs have a burning desire for what they want and they have decided to make it their reality. It did not matter what other people thought. Most people shoot down things because they are jealous and too scared to do things themselves. Lack of faith also delays decision. People may not understand the laws that operate in our universe, but that does not change the fact that they exist. If you believe you will have something strongly enough, you will manifest it plain and simple. You just need to decide to go after it.

Successful entrepreneurs did something so unbelievably simple yet so many people fail to do it. They made a decision to get what they want and took the steps to get to that goal. It is exciting to ponder the possibilities and do the research,etc...but until you decide to manifest one of these great ideas, it is all for nothing and you are just procrastinating.

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