Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What it Takes to Become a Successful Entrepreneur With the Freedom to Do Whatever You Want in Life

Action creates opportunities. Have you ever noticed how those who get on in this world, those who seem to fall into the best opportunities, those who always seem to be in the right place at the right time - they are usually the same people who take action? They are not just dreamers, talkers, "wannabies", or observers - they are the movers and shakers and achievers who MAKE THINGS HAPPEN!

They are the entrepreneurs; people who seek out opportunities. They are inquisitive, inquiring, always searching for positive ideas.

The dictionary definition of an entrepreneur implies some form of "daring" activity, but in reality, most successful entrepreneurs prefer to avoid risks. They like to reduce, eliminate, or at least control the risks in any business undertaking. They plan thoughtfully, taking carefully calculated risks as and when required.

Few entrepreneurs would regard themselves as "risk takers." To them -well, they are just doing the obvious. They have the vision, clarity and conviction to take on new challenges. If success means getting involved with unproven ventures or dramatically changing the way things are done - the true entrepreneur will just get on with it and do it.

If they are to succeed, successful entrepreneurs do what is required, and what to them, seems logical. They have done their homework and know they can succeed even if the task is harder than they thought. Results will not necessarily happen over night and successful entrepreneurs will not always expect them to.

The true entrepreneur has the attitude of - it can work, it will work, we can make it work! They have the strength and commitment to overcome obstacles and turn their vision a reality.

Yes, entrepreneurs do take risks, but they are not usually half-witted or stupid. The difference is - successful entrepreneurs think through the possible outcomes and prepare to deal with problems and risks as they happen. They are persistent and work hard to ensure a positive result every time. These people bring about their own good fortune.

To most entrepreneurs, change means opportunity. Change is inevitable and so the entrepreneur accepts it and get on with it.

To others, change of any kind may seem unnecessary and risky. Most people do not like uncertainty and volatility. They do not like it when someone "rocks the boat" and forces them to think, or do, things differently. It is human nature - we are happy in our comfort zone. We often do not understand why such changes are necessary and so we resist, or avoid, the unfamiliar. We have all done it.

Perhaps that is why there is still a bit of a stigma associated with the word 'entrepreneur.' Ask people in a street what the word entrepreneur means to them and you may get answers like "a bold risk taker", or "a ruthless business person who sets out on their own with the hope of striking it rich." Some people will associate the term with nothing more than "gambling." Others may see an entrepreneur, as someone who has enormous debt, hires lots of employees and constantly burns the midnight oil.

Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!

Entrepreneurship is simply the art and science of starting and managing your own profit-motivated business venture. It is an important and dynamic force in the world economy. Yet oddly enough, it is not generally taught in schools. Since entrepreneurship does not involve working for someone else, it is usually not looked upon as a career option. What a shame!

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